Monthly Archive: February 2017

Feature wishes and comments welcome

Pro Motion NG is a vital project that needs user input to become even better. Though the list of wishes that are known and still to be done is huge, everyone is invited to send comments, wishes or problems to Jan Zimmermann).
Keep in mind that there are often things that can be improved heavily by just a small change or tweak and such changes are usually included asap. Large changes of course must be queued.

The following bigger features are planned to come after publishing the pen pressure support, but might have a different order than given here:

  • Better time line that shows layers. At the moment there is only a simple frame selection widget.
  • Layer move tool to freely move one or more layers physically. At the moment this is only possible with pixelwise frame scroll functions.
  • Animated tiles in tile map projects. Define animtion frames for a single tile and let them play in the previews.
  • In place rotate/scale. Today this is only possible with a brush or animated brush which does not support multiple layers.
  • In place free distortion.
  • Layer blend modes to apply realtime overlay renderings.
  • Copy/paste frames of multiple layers.

Of course there is more to come, but these major features are planned for the next months of development.

Pen pressure support comming soon

Still working on pen pressure support. Works out pretty well so far, but some tweaks and tests are still to be done.
One of the latest additions is an option to safely lift the pen without having the pressure change that occurs leaving wrong dots on the canvas.
First run leaves wrong dot at the end. Second run uses pressure lock to securely lift the pen. Hope to release in February.
pen pressure 2 cut